
Frequently Asked (technical) Questions (FAQ)

Is it safe to store my data here?

All smulations contributed to MDRepo are stored in CyVerse Data Store, which provides two important features: (1) high throughput data handling (upload/download), and (2) data replication between UArizona and TACC to ensure data availability, reliability, and resilience. Thanks to this architecture, we anticipate that all data contributed to MDRepo will be safely stored in perpetuity. Even so, it may be wise to retain local copies of your data (at least until long-term support for MDRepo has been established).

How do I upload simulations?

How do I download simulations?

Why does MDRepo only accept simulations with proteins? Will you eventually accept other biomolecules?

"Il meglio è l'inimico del bene"
     -- Voltaire
We had to start somewhere. By limiting contributions to simulations with proteins, we were able to simplify some of the site logic/infrastructure. This has made it possible to release the system in its current form, where we believe that it will rapidly benefit the fields of structural biology and virtual drug discovery.
As time progresses, we intend to expand MDRepo functionality to support simulations of other biomolecules, including nucleotides and membranes.

For any questions or concerns not addressed on this page, email

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